New Site

After all the bullshit with Wordpress (not linking to Wordpress, because fuck Matt Mullenweg) I wanted to move away from that. I’d spend some time playing around with static site generators, mostly Hugo and Ignite.

One of my requirements is the ability to easily include photo albums from SmugMug; something that’s also a pain with Wordpress. You’d think this would be easy with Ignite, but my Swift is poor enough that it was proving to be a real pain. My limited playing with Hugo seemed positive, but I felt like I was killing myself with overhead in getting image IDs.

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From the Air at Different Times

I finally got around to setting up a programmed flight path for the drone, so I can record the same thing at different times. I was initially thinking of different times of the year, but ended up taking one in the evening around twilight with some smoke haze from distant bushfires, and then one the next morning when it was quite clear. The difference in what can be seen is actually quite amazing!

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Crazy Weather (and floods!)

Well, it’s been an interesting couple of days.

It was a damp start to summer. We recorded 72.85mm of rain through December, although most of that was on Christmas Eve (17.30mm), Christmas Day (40.21mm) and Boxing Day (4.80mm). Even with that amount, it wasn’t really much of a big deal, and the water ran off and soaked away quite quickly really.

A couple of weeks later, and the storms were back with a vengance. January 7 gifted us with 60.50mm. As I started to write this, mid afternoon on January 8, we’re at 56.31mm since midnight – but fingers crossed it appears to be slowly clearing up.

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