Costa Rica Zipline

Ziplines are awesome!

In a first for me, we had a GoPro action camera for the Costa Rica trip. The helmets provided by the zipline folks had GoPro mounts. Hmmm….

Having never actually used any sort of body mounted camera before, I didn’t get the framing quite right: I didn’t account for how reclined I’d be actually on the wire. Still, the footage isn’t terrible!

New York

Before heading down to Costa Rica, Bren and I stopped off in New York for a few days. Partly to recover from the flight over from Australia, but mostly because it’s a cool city to hang out in!

We took in a ball game (Let’s go, Mets!), strolled the High Line, and generally had a great time!'

Healesville Sanctuary

One of the best things about having a Friends of the Zoo membership is being able to just walk in whenever you want. None of this paying for entry!

Photos From Planes

I’m on planes a lot, and sometimes look out the window and see something eye-catching.

This album will be updated when I take new pics that are worth sharing!

Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island is a popular spot, just off the coast of Perth.

It’s usually reached by a ferry, but we decided to be fancy and went by light plane instead. Cue the amazing views of Perth!

Rottnest is the home of the quokka - a small marsupial related to the kangaroo and wallaby. The Dutch explorers thought they were huge rats, hence the name “rat nest”.


Waiheke is quite stunning.

We stayed with friends who live on Waiheke, a small island reachable by ferry from Auckland. Cam and I did some sea kayaking, and I took a few moments to take some panoramic photos.

Note that the thumbnails here don’t do justice to the full images - click through to see them in their full glory!


For our tenth wedding anniversary, we went to Mexico!

Technically Mexico, at least. San Jose del Cabo, which is on the southern tip of the Baja Peninsula. Doesn’t look far on a map, but it’s about 1600km south of the US border.

I say “technically” because it’s a resort town. Lots of Americans on holiday, lots of restaurants to cater to their tastes.

For example, we were chatting to some rando in the resort pool. He mentioned there was a great restaurant about 20 minutes walk up the beach. Awesome, we think, and head off there for lunch. Burgers. On the other hand, the little place out the front of the resort was awesome, and we often popped in there. Great tacos in town at The Hangman.

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Over the course of the CrownGames production deployment Craig, Josh and myself took turns spending time in-country to get the hardware installed, software installed, and supervise the third party contractors carrying out works like the office build and comms provisioning.

These photos are from the last of those stints, when we were completing the compliance testing and getting approval to go-live.